Monday, October 29, 2018
I'm part of some superhero team. It feels neither real nor completely fake. It's not scripted, as far as I can tell. We're supposed to fight The Avengers, whose costumes are not very expensive or complicated. Iceman, for instance, looks like a puffy cornflower blue Ben Grimm costume made out of thin material that puffs out like a Party City Pikachu costume. I'm happy to learn that my power is teleportation but I'm a little unclear as to how it's supposed to work. Somebody tells me I probably just have to say "Bamf" or "Kackus". I say both, trying to visualize the world going all blurry and swishy around me, like when Elijah Wood puts on the One Ring, but it seems I'm not doing it right. The Avengers drop off the side of a chain-store box building like Target or something, and come running towards my team. I duck behind a car wishing I could figure out how to teleport behind them. Later on, I'm a girl and a guy is trying to strangle me. I have a medium-handled scythe, though, which I am pushing cross-ways against his stomach. It turns out I have four arms, as well, because I'm pulling his hands off my throat simultaneously, and even though we're struggling, I'm pretty sure I could slice him open if that's really what I want to do.