Monday, October 22, 2018
A big house with a spacious finished basement. I'm supposed to work a shift at Golden West tonight and I'm worried I overslept. I go into the basement and there's a whole bunch of people sitting on one side of a very long, very low table, the kind where you have to sit cross-legged on a pillow to sit at it. To my surprise, everybody is watching a live performance of The Cure on some kind of monitor. I'm not sure where the actual band is but it seems to be nearby. I am also surprised to see that the poet Lindsay Raspi is playing drums for them. She seems out of breath but she's not messing up or anything. Everyone at the table is engrossed in the show and pays me no heed; I watch along with them. In the middle of the next song, the poet bails on the drums and somebody else takes over, and it's unclear to me whether this is a big deal or not. I don't see them but it feels safe to assume that the person taking over is somebody associated with Lake Trout. I ask somebody about the time-- it turns out that I am off by 12 hours, and there's plenty of time for me to get to the shift at the restaurant. I realize for the first time, though, that it probably starts much earlier than 10pm, the time I start my shifts at The Club, and I start to feel stressed again and wonder why the hell I'm going to do shifts at Golden West again.